Differential dynamic programming (DDP) is a widely used and powerful trajectory optimization technique, however, due to its internal structure, it is not exempt from local minima. In this paper, we present Differential Dynamic Programming with Escape Network (DDPEN) - a novel approach to avoid DDP local minima by utilising an additional term used in the optimization criteria pointing towards the direction where robot should move in order to escape local minima. In order to produce the aforementioned directions, we propose to utilize a deep model that takes as an input the map of the environment in the form of a costmap together with the desired goal position. The Model produces possible future directions that will lead to the goal, avoiding local minima which is possible to run in real time conditions. The model is trained on a synthetic dataset and overall the system is evaluated at the Gazebo simulator. In this work we show that our proposed method allows avoiding local minima of trajectory optimization algorithm and successfully execute a trajectory 278 m long with various convex and nonconvex obstacles.
翻译:差异动态编程(DDP)是一种广泛使用和强大的轨迹优化技术(DDP),但是,由于它的内部结构,它不能不受本地迷你的影响。在本文中,我们介绍了与Escape Network(DDPEN)的差别动态编程(DDPEN)----一种避免 DDP 本地迷你的新办法,在优化标准中使用了另一个术语,指向机器人为逃离本地迷你而移动的方向。为了产生上述方向,我们提议使用一种深度模型,以成本图的形式将环境地图与预期的目标位置一起作为输入。该模型提供了可能的未来方向,避免了在实时条件下运行的本地迷你。该模型经过了合成数据集培训,整个系统在Gazebo simulator上进行了评估。在这项工作中,我们表明我们建议的方法可以避免本地轨道优化算法的迷你,并成功地执行一条长278米的轨道,长于各种锥形和非锥体障碍。