In this paper we study predictive mean matching mass imputation estimators to integrate data from probability and non-probability samples. We consider two approaches: matching predicted to predicted ($\hat{y}-\hat{y}$~matching; PMM A) and predicted to observed ($\hat{y}-y$~matching; PMM B) values. We prove the consistency of two semi-parametric mass imputation estimators based on these approaches and derive their variance and estimators of variance. We underline the differences of our approach with the nearest neighbour approach proposed by Yang et al. (2021) and prove consistency of the PMM A estimator under model mis-specification. Our approach can be employed with non-parametric regression techniques, such as kernel regression, and the analytical expression for variance can also be applied in nearest neighbour matching for non-probability samples. We conduct extensive simulation studies in order to compare the properties of this estimator with existing approaches, discuss the selection of $k$-nearest neighbours, and study the effects of model mis-specification. The paper finishes with empirical study in integration of job vacancy survey and vacancies submitted to public employment offices (admin and online data). Open source software is available for the proposed approaches.