In this work, we prove rigorous error estimates for a hybrid method introduced in [15] for solving the time-dependent radiation transport equation (RTE). The method relies on a splitting of the kinetic distribution function for the radiation into uncollided and collided components. A high-resolution method (in angle) is used to approximate the uncollided components and a low-resolution method is used to approximate the the collided component. After each time step, the kinetic distribution is reinitialized to be entirely uncollided. For this analysis, we consider a mono-energetic problem on a periodic domains, with constant material cross-sections of arbitrary size. To focus the analysis, we assume the uncollided equation is solved exactly and the collided part is approximated in angle via a spherical harmonic expansion ($\text{P}_N$ method). Using a non-standard set of semi-norms, we obtain estimates of the form $C(\varepsilon,\sigma,\Delta t)N^{-s}$ where $s\geq 1$ denotes the regularity of the solution in angle, $\varepsilon$ and $\sigma$ are scattering parameters, $\Delta t$ is the time-step before reinitialization, and $C$ is a complicated function of $\varepsilon$, $\sigma$, and $\Delta t$. These estimates involve analysis of the multiscale RTE that includes, but necessarily goes beyond, usual spectral analysis. We also compute error estimates for the monolithic $\text{P}_N$ method with the same resolution as the collided part in the hybrid. Our results highlight the benefits of the hybrid approach over the monolithic discretization in both highly scattering and streaming regimes.