Millimeter-wave transceivers use large antenna arrays to form narrow high-directional beams and overcome severe attenuation. Narrow beams require large signaling overhead to be aligned if no prior information about beam directions is available. Moreover, beams drift with time due to user mobility and may need to be realigned. Beam tracking is commonly used to keep the beams tightly coupled and eliminate the overhead associated with realignment. Hence, with periodic measurements, beams are adjusted before they lose alignment. We propose a model where the receiver adjusts beam direction "continuously" over each physical-layer sample according to a carefully calculated estimate of the continuous variation of the beams. In our approach, the change of direction is updated using the estimate of the variation rate of beam angles via two different methods, a Continuous-Discrete Kalman filter and an MMSE of a first-order approximation of the variation. Our approach incurs no additional overhead in pilots, yet, the performance of beam tracking is improved significantly. Numerical results reveal an SNR enhancement associated with reducing the MSE of the beam directions. In addition, our approach reduces the pilot overhead by 60% and up to 87% while achieving a similar total tracking duration as the state-of-the-art.
翻译:磁波收发器使用大型天线阵列形成狭窄的高方向光束并克服严重减速。 窄光束要求大型信号顶部在没有关于光线方向的事先信息的情况下对齐。 此外, 光束随时间漂移, 可能需要调整。 光束跟踪通常用来保持光束紧密结合, 并消除与调整有关的光束。 因此, 通过定期测量, 光束在失去对齐之前被调整。 我们建议一个模型, 接收器根据对光束持续变化的精确估计, 对每个物理层样本进行“ 连续” 调整方向。 在我们的方法中, 方向变化是通过两种不同方法, 即 连续分辨 Kalman 过滤器和 一阶近光的 MMSE 进行更新。 因此, 我们的方法在实验中不会产生额外的高压, 然而, 星位跟踪的性能得到显著改善。 数值结果显示, 与减少磁盘连续定位的60 % 相关的SNR全面增强, 同时通过类似方向缩小磁盘的磁盘跟踪 。