Given an undirected graph, are there $k$ matchings whose union covers all of its nodes, that is, a matching-$k$-cover? A first, easy polynomial solution from matroid union is possible, as already observed by Wang, Song and Yuan (Mathematical Programming, 2014). However, it was not satisfactory neither from the algorithmic viewpoint nor for proving graphic theorems, since the corresponding matroid ignores the edges of the graph. We prove here, simply and algorithmically: all nodes of a graph can be covered with $k\ge 2$ matchings if and only if for every stable set $S$ we have $|S|\le k\cdot|N(S)|$. When $k=1$, an exception occurs: this condition is not enough to guarantee the existence of a matching-$1$-cover, that is, the existence of a perfect matching, in this case Tutte's famous matching theorem (J. London Math. Soc., 1947) provides the right `good' characterization. The condition above then guarantees only that a perfect $2$-matching exists, as known from another theorem of Tutte (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 1953). Some results are then deduced as consequences with surprisingly simple proofs, using only the level of difficulty of bipartite matchings. We give some generalizations, as well as a solution for minimization if the edge-weights are non-negative, while the edge-cardinality maximization of matching-$2$-covers turns out to be already NP-hard. We have arrived at this problem as the line graph special case of a model arising for manufacturing integrated circuits with the technology called `Directed Self Assembly'.
翻译:在非方向图形中,是否有美元匹配值,其联盟覆盖其所有节点,即匹配值为2美元覆盖?首先,如王、宋和元(数学编程,2014年)所观察的那样,由超固联结提供的简单多边解决方案是可能的。然而,从算法角度和证明图形理论来看,这并不足以保证匹配值为1美元覆盖值的存在,因为相应的配方机器人忽略了图表的边缘。我们在这里证明,简单和按逻辑推理:图表中的所有节点都可以由2美元平准匹配值覆盖,如果而且只有每套稳定组合的2美元匹配值为2美元覆盖。我们每套固定组合的1美元都有1美元(S)和元联结的简单多边解决方案是可能的。而上一个条件则只能保证匹配值为1美元覆盖值的匹配值的存在,也就是说,对于普通的模型来说,一个完美的匹配值(J. Lond. c.1947)提供正确的直径直线匹配值,如果我们现在的匹配值是某种正统。