We propose a collocation and quasi-collocation method for solving second order boundary value problems $L_2 y=f$, in which the differential operator $L_2$ can be represented in the product formulation, aiming mostly on singular and singularly perturbed boundary value problems. Seeking an approximating Canonical Complete Chebyshev spline $s$ by a collocation method leads to demand that $L_2s$ interpolates the function $f$. On the other hand, in quasi-collocation method we require that $L_2 s$ is equal to an approximation of $f$ by the Schoenberg operator. We offer the calculation of both methods based on the Green's function, and give their error bounds.
翻译:我们建议采用合用和准合用法解决第二顺序边界值问题,即2美元和2美元,其中差价操作员在产品配制中可以代表2美元,主要针对单一的和奇异的边界值问题。通过合用法寻找一种近似一致的Canonical 完整Chebyshev Spline $s,导致要求2美元乘以函数美元。另一方面,在准合用法中,我们要求2美元等于Schoenberg操作员的近似美元。我们提出两种方法的计算方法都以Green的功能为基础,并给出错误界限。