Evaluating and optimizing policies in the presence of unobserved confounders is a problem of growing interest in offline reinforcement learning. Using conventional methods for offline RL in the presence of confounding can not only lead to poor decisions and poor policies, but can also have disastrous effects in critical applications such as healthcare and education. We map out the landscape of offline policy evaluation for confounded MDPs, distinguishing assumptions on confounding based on their time-evolution and effect on the data-collection policies. We determine when consistent value estimates are not achievable, providing and discussing algorithms to estimate lower bounds with guarantees in those cases. When consistent estimates are achievable, we provide sample complexity guarantees. We also present new algorithms for offline policy improvement and prove local convergence guarantees. Finally, we experimentally evaluate our algorithms on gridworld and a simulated healthcare setting of managing sepsis patients. We note that in gridworld, our model-based method provides tighter lower bounds than existing methods, while in the sepsis simulator, our methods significantly outperform confounder-oblivious benchmarks.