Global berry production and consumption have significantly increased in recent years, coinciding with increased consumer awareness of the health-promoting benefits of berries. Among them, fresh market blackberries and raspberries are primarily harvested by hand to maintain post-harvest quality. However, fresh market berry harvesting is an arduous, costly endeavor that accounts for up to 50% of the worker hours. Additionally, the inconsistent forces applied during hand-harvesting can result in an 85% loss of marketable berries due to red drupelet reversion (RDR). Herein, we present a novel, tendon- driven soft robotic gripper with active contact force feedback control, which leverages the passive compliance of the gripper for the gentle harvesting of blackberries. The versatile gripper was able to apply a desired force as low as 0.5 N with a mean error of 0.046 N, while also holding payloads that produce forces as high as 18 N. Field test results indicate that the gripper is capable of harvesting berries with minimal berry damage, while maintaining a harvesting reliability of 95% and a harvesting rate of approximately 4.8 seconds per berry.
翻译:近几年来,全球果汁生产和消费大幅增加,同时消费者对果浆增进健康好处的认识有所提高,其中,新鲜的市场黑莓和青莓主要是手工收获的,以保持收获后的质量。然而,新鲜的市场果浆收获是一项艰巨而昂贵的努力,占工人工作时间的50%。此外,在手工收获过程中使用的不协调力量可能导致可销售的果浆因红色卓贝利特再转化而损失85%。在这里,我们展示了一部小说,由弯曲驱动的软机器人抓紧器,具有主动接触力的反馈控制,利用握紧器的被动合规性来温和地收获黑莓。多用途抓紧器能够使用0.5牛顿的预期力量,平均误差为0.046牛顿,同时将产生力量的有效载荷控制在18牛顿。 实地测试结果显示,握紧器能够以最小的果浆收获率达到85%,同时保持95%的收紧率和大约4.8秒钟的收紧率。