We investigate two questions in this paper: First, we ask to what extent "MPC friendly" models are already supported by major Machine Learning frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch. Prior works provide protocols that only work on fixed-point integers and specialized activation functions, two aspects that are not supported by popular Machine Learning frameworks, and the need for these specialized model representations means that it is hard, and often impossible, to use e.g., TensorFlow to design, train and test models that later have to be evaluated securely. Second, we ask to what extent the functionality for evaluating Neural Networks already exists in general-purpose MPC frameworks. These frameworks have received more scrutiny, are better documented and supported on more platforms. Furthermore, they are typically flexible in terms of the threat model they support. In contrast, most secure evaluation protocols in the literature are targeted to a specific threat model and their implementations are only a "proof-of-concept", making it very hard for their adoption in practice. We answer both of the above questions in a positive way: We observe that the quantization techniques supported by both TensorFlow, PyTorch and MXNet can provide models in a representation that can be evaluated securely; and moreover, that this evaluation can be performed by a general purpose MPC framework. We perform extensive benchmarks to understand the exact trade-offs between different corruption models, network sizes and efficiency. These experiments provide an interesting insight into cost between active and passive security, as well as honest and dishonest majority. Our work shows then that the separating line between existing ML frameworks and existing MPC protocols may be narrower than implicitly suggested by previous works.
翻译:我们调查了本文中的两个问题:第一,我们询问“MPC友好型”模式在多大程度上已经得到了诸如TensorFlow或PyTorrch等主要机器学习框架的支持。先前的工作提供了协议,这些协议只涉及固定点整数和专门启动功能,这两个方面没有流行的机器学习框架的支持,而这些专门的模型说明的必要性意味着很难而且往往不可能使用,例如TensorFlow设计、培训和测试后来必须安全地加以评价的模式。第二,我们询问评估神经网络的功能在一般目的直观化的MPC框架中已经存在多大程度的功能。这些框架得到了更多的仔细审查、更好的记录和更多的平台支持。此外,它们通常在威胁模式方面是灵活的。相比之下,文献中大多数安全的评估协议都针对特定的威胁模式,其实施只是“防腐蚀性”概念,使得这些模式在实践中很难被采纳。我们随后以积极的方式回答上述两个问题:我们观察到Tensoral Institate tection 技术在Tensorformal commation 之间,我们发现, comlientalalal commalalalalityalityalalalalityality strillity stract stract fortitutional ortitutional ortitutional