The sixth generation networks envision the deployment of terahertz (THz) band as one of the key enabling property thanks to its abundant bandwidth. However, the ultra-wide bandwidth in THz causes \textit{beam-split} phenomenon due to the use of a single analog beamformer (AB). Specifically, beam-split makes different subcarriers to observe distinct directions since the same AB is adopted for all subcarriers. Previous works mostly employ additional hardware components, e.g., time-delayer networks to mitigate beam-split by realizing virtual subcarrier-dependent ABs. This paper introduces an efficient and unified approach, called beam-split-aware (BSA) hybrid beamforming. In particular, instead of virtually generating subcarrier-dependent ABs, a single AB is used and the effect of beam-split is computed and passed into the digital beamformers, which are subcarrier-dependent while maximizing spectral efficiency. Hence, the proposed BSA approach effectively mitigates the impact of beam-split and it can be applied to any hybrid beamforming scheme, two of which based on manifold optimization and orthogonal matching pursuit are considered for evaluation in multi-user scenario. Numerical simulations show that significant performance improvement can be achieved as compared to the conventional techniques.
翻译:第六代网络设想将Thahertz(Thz)波段作为关键的辅助属性之一,因为其带宽宽丰富,因此将Thaz的超大带宽作为关键的辅助属性之一。然而,Thz的超大带宽导致使用单一的模拟光束(AB)现象。具体地说,Baam-split使不同的子容器能够观察不同方向,因为所有子容器都采用同一AB,而以前的工作主要使用额外的硬件组件,例如时间偏差网络,通过实现虚拟的亚焦线依赖AB来减轻对Bam-split-split-aware的影响。本文介绍了一种高效和统一的方法,称为bam-split-aware(BSA)的混合波束成型。特别是,使用一个光线-split(Bam-split-split),使不同的亚焦线分带分带子容器能够观察不同的方向。以前的工程主要使用Bam-splital 效果被计算,并传递到数字光谱仪。因此,拟议的BSA方法有效地减轻了Bam-splical-splical-splical改进的影响。在两个模型上,可以用来进行对比的模型上进行对比的模型的模拟,可以用来显示。