Fast distributed algorithms that output a feasible solution for constraint satisfaction problems, such as maximal independent sets, have been heavily studied. There has been much less research on distributed sampling problems, where one wants to sample from a distribution over all feasible solutions (e.g., uniformly sampling a feasible solution). Recent work (Feng, Sun, Yin PODC 2017; Fischer and Ghaffari DISC 2018; Feng, Hayes, and Yin arXiv 2018) has shown that for some constraint satisfaction problems there are distributed Markov chains that mix in $O(\log n)$ rounds in the classical LOCAL model of distributed computation. However, these methods return samples from a distribution close to the desired distribution, but with some small amount of error. In this paper, we focus on the problem of exact distributed sampling. Our main contribution is to show that these distributed Markov chains in tandem with techniques from the sequential setting, namely coupling from the past and bounding chains, can be used to design $O(\log n)$-round LOCAL model exact sampling algorithms for a class of weighted local constraint satisfaction problems. This general result leads to $O(\log n)$-round exact sampling algorithms that use small messages (i.e., run in the CONGEST model) and polynomial-time local computation for some important special cases, such as sampling weighted independent sets (aka the hardcore model) and weighted dominating sets.
翻译:对限制满意度问题的可行解决办法,如最大独立套件,进行了大量研究。对分布式抽样问题的研究要少得多,对分布式抽样问题的研究要少得多,因为人们希望从所有可行解决办法(例如统一抽样)的分布中取样。最近的工作(Feng、Sun、Yin PoDC 2017;Fischer和Ghaffari DISC 2018;Fischer和Ghaffari DISC 2018;Feng、Hayes和Yin arxiv 2018)表明,对于某些制约性满意度问题,有分布式的Markov链,在传统的LOCAL分布式计算模型中以美元(log n)合产值($/log n)合产值($/log n)。然而,这些方法将样品从接近理想分布式分布式分布式中提取,但有少量误差。在本文中,我们侧重于精确分布式抽样抽样的问题。我们的主要贡献是表明,这些分布式的Markov链与顺序设置的技术,即与过去和捆绑定的序列结合,可以用来设计美元(美元)独立的LOCOL模型(ral n)精确的计算,用于某种加权的缩缩缩缩缩缩缩算。(美元的CAS)。</s>