For increasingly large Reynolds number flows, the computational cost of resolving all of the statistically significant physical scales becomes prohibitively large, such that it is necessary in many cases to perform simulations that are under-resolved with respect to the underlying flow physics. For nodal discontinuous spectral element approximations of these under-resolved flows, the collocation projection of the nonlinear flux onto the space spanned by the solution approximation can introduce aliasing errors which can result in numerical instabilities, leading to nonphysical solutions or the failure of the scheme altogether. In Dzanic and Witherden (J. Comput. Phys., 468, 2022), an entropy-based adaptive filtering approach was introduced for the purpose of mitigating numerical instabilities stemming from high-order approximations of discontinuous flow features. It was observed by the authors that this parameter-free shock-capturing approach, referred to as entropy filtering, also allowed for the robust simulation of high Reynolds number flows on under-resolved meshes that would typically be unstable due to aliasing errors. This technical note explores this effect and presents a comparison to standard anti-aliasing approaches through implicit large eddy simulations of a NACA0021 in deep stall from the DESider project as presented by Park et al. (AIAAJ, 55:7, 2017), a case notorious for aliasing driven instabilities in high-order methods that requires a substantial amount of numerical stabilization for the given setup.
翻译:对于日益庞大的Reynolds数量流,解决所有具有统计意义的物理比例的计算成本变得令人望而却步,因此,在许多情况下,必须进行与基本流物理有关的模拟(J.Comput.Phyls.,468,2022),因此在许多情况下,必须进行在基本流物理方面未充分解决的模拟。对于这些未充分解决的流量的交点不连续光谱元素近似值而言,非线性通量在解决方案近似所覆盖的空间范围内的同位投影可能会引入别国错误,从而可能导致数字不稳定,导致非物理解决方案或计划完全失败。在Dzanic和Westden(J.Comput.Phyts.,468,2022)中,为了减轻这些不完全流流的高度接近而出现的数字不稳定性,采用了基于恒定的适应性适应性适应性过滤法。 作者们认为,这种无参数的冲击感知觉测法方法,也允许对高的Remonst mayshesy 流出高数值,通常会因高额的货币水平而不稳定,因为高额的货币递误算。</s>