项目名称: 大跨径渡槽涡振诱发的水体参数晃动研究
项目编号: No.51279133
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 水利工程
项目作者: 李遇春
作者单位: 同济大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 大跨径渡槽在风的作用下会产生强烈的周期性旋涡脱落,由于渡槽携带大量水体,槽身结构竖向自振频率容易与旋涡脱落频率重合而发生涡振,槽身的涡振容易诱发槽内水体的参数晃动,使得水体产生大幅晃动,加剧渡槽结构的振动,对渡槽结构安全构成潜在威胁,这种涡振所诱发的水体参数晃动是渡槽系统特有的一种物理机制,针对这种机制的研究还是一个空白。本项目将建立一种新的半解析/半数值方法,确定任意截面水槽参数晃动(包含阻尼的影响)的发生条件,并采用参数振动试验加以验证;将采用并完善光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)方法,分析槽内流体的非线性参数晃动问题;将IFEM(Immersed Finite Element Method)及SPH方法用于研究二维"风-槽身结构-槽内水体"耦合系统涡激参数晃动响应与"频率锁定"现象,并采用弹性悬挂渡槽节段模型风洞试验加以验证,本项目的研究拟揭示渡槽涡振诱发的水体参数晃动机制。
中文关键词: 大跨径渡槽;涡振;液体参数晃动;流固耦合;
英文摘要: The strong periodic vortex sheddings are produced by the wind on the long-span aqueduct bridge. Because the aqueduct holds a great quantity of water, the vertical fundamental frequency of the aqueduct structure easily coincides with the frequency of vortex-shedding and then the vortex-induced vibration will occur.The vortex-induced vibration may easily stimulate the parametrical slosh of the contained water. The large-amplitude slosh of water will aggravate structural vibration, which will bring a potential danger to the aqueduct structure. The parametrical slosh of the contained water excited by the vortex-induced vibration shows a special physical mechanism of the aqueduct bridge. This mechanism has not been investigated by the researchers. In this project, a semi-analytical/numerical method will be developed to determine the precipitating factors of the parametrical slosh, in which the water damping is included. The method will be validated through a parametric vibration test. The method of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) will be improved and applied to analyze the nonlinear parametric slosh of the contained water. The new Immersed Finite Element Method (IFEM) and SPH method will be used for solving two dimensional parametric slosh responses of the "wind-aqueduct body-water"coupling system which is excit
英文关键词: Long-span aqueduct bridge;vortex-induced vibration;parametric slosh of liquid;fluid-structure interaction;