Regularization is a critical component in deep learning training, with weight decay being a commonly used approach. It applies a constant penalty coefficient uniformly across all parameters. This may be unnecessarily restrictive for some parameters, while insufficiently restricting others. To dynamically adjust penalty coefficients for different parameter groups, we present constrained parameter regularization (CPR) as an alternative to traditional weight decay. Instead of applying a single constant penalty to all parameters, we enforce an upper bound on a statistical measure (e.g., the L$_2$-norm) of parameter groups. Consequently, learning becomes a constraint optimization problem, which we address by an adaptation of the augmented Lagrangian method. CPR only requires two hyperparameters and incurs no measurable runtime overhead. Additionally, we propose a simple but efficient mechanism to adapt the upper bounds during the optimization. We provide empirical evidence of CPR's efficacy in experiments on the "grokking" phenomenon, computer vision, and language modeling tasks. Our results demonstrate that CPR counteracts the effects of grokking and consistently matches or outperforms traditional weight decay.