Subsurface remediation often involves reconstruction of contaminant release history from sparse observations of solute concentration. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), the most accurate and general method for this task, is rarely used in practice because of its high computational cost associated with multiple solves of contaminant transport equations. We propose an adaptive MCMC method, in which a transport model is replaced with a fast and accurate surrogate model in the form of a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). The CNN-based surrogate is trained on a small number of the transport model runs based on the prior knowledge of the unknown release history. Thus reduced computational cost allows one to reduce the sampling error associated with construction of the approximate likelihood function. As all MCMC strategies for source identification, our method has an added advantage of quantifying predictive uncertainty and accounting for measurement errors. Our numerical experiments demonstrate the accuracy comparable to that of MCMC with the forward transport model, which is obtained at a fraction of the computational cost of the latter.
翻译:水下补救往往涉及从稀有的溶液浓度观测中重建污染物释放历史。 Markov 链条 Monte Carlo(MMC)是这项任务最准确和最一般的方法,但在实践中很少使用,因为与污染物迁移方程式的多种溶液有关的计算成本很高。 我们建议采用适应性MCMC方法,其中以深层共生神经网络的形式,用快速和准确的代用模型取代运输模型。基于CNN的代用设备是用少量基于对未知释放史的先前知识的运输模型运行来培训的。因此,降低计算成本可以减少与构建近似概率函数有关的抽样错误。由于所有MMCM的源识别战略,我们的方法具有额外的优势,即量化预测不确定性和计算测量错误的会计。我们的数字实验表明,远期运输模型的精确性与MMC模型的精确性相当,而远期运输模型是以后者的计算成本的一小部分获得的。