Computer graphics images (CGIs) are artificially generated by means of computer programs and are widely perceived under various scenarios, such as games, streaming media, etc. In practical, the quality of CGIs consistently suffers from poor rendering during the production and inevitable compression artifacts during the transmission of multimedia applications. However, few works have been dedicated to dealing with the challenge of computer graphics images quality assessment (CGIQA). Most image quality assessment (IQA) metrics are developed for natural scene images (NSIs) and validated on the databases consisting of NSIs with synthetic distortions, which are not suitable for in-the-wild CGIs. To bridge the gap between evaluating the quality of NSIs and CGIs, we construct a large-scale in-the-wild CGIQA database consisting of 6,000 CGIs (CGIQA-6k) and carry out the subjective experiment in a well-controlled laboratory environment to obtain the accurate perceptual ratings of the CGIs. Then, we propose an effective deep learning-based no-reference (NR) IQA model by utilizing multi-stage feature fusion strategy and multi-stage channel attention mechanism. The major motivation of the proposed model is to make full use of inter-channel information from low-level to high-level since CGIs have apparent patterns as well as rich interactive semantic content. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms all other state-of-the-art NR IQA methods on the constructed CGIQA-6k database and other CGIQA-related databases. The database along with the code will be released to facilitate further research.
翻译:计算机图形图像(CGI)是用计算机程序人工生成的,在游戏、流媒体等各种情景下被广泛看到。 实际上,CGI质量在多媒体应用程序传输过程中,由于生产过程中的制作质量差,以及不可避免的压缩工艺品在多媒体应用程序传输过程中,始终受到质量差差的影响。然而,几乎没有专门致力于应对计算机图像图像质量评估(CGIQA)的挑战的作品。大多数图像质量评估(IQA)衡量标准是为自然图像(NSI)开发的,并在由合成扭曲的NSI组成的数据库上得到验证,这些数据库不适合在虚拟的CGIGI中进行合成扭曲。为缩小国家统计研究所和CGIGI质量质量之间的质量差距,我们建造了一个大型的CGIQ数据库(CGIQA)数据库,在控制良好的实验室环境中进行主观实验,以获得CGII的准确的感知性评级。然后,我们提议,通过使用多阶段的CGIA模型和多阶段系统数据库,通过拟议的CGIGIA高层次数据库,进一步推广其他的深度学习不参照机制。</s>