Rotated object detection is a challenging task in aerial images since the objects in aerial images are displayed in arbitrary directions and are frequently densely packed. Although considerable progress has been made, there are still challenges that existing regression-based rotation detectors suffer from the representation ambiguity. In this paper, we propose a simple, practical framework to optimize the bounding box regression for rotating objects. Rather than directly regressing the five parameters (coordinates of the central point, width, height, and rotation angle) or the four vertices, we employ the area ratio of the parallelogram (ARP) to describe a multi-oriented object accurately. Specifically, ARP regresses coordinates of the center point, height, and width of the oriented object's minimum circumscribed rectangle and three area ratios. It may facilitate learning offset and avoid the issue of angular periodicity or label points sequence for oriented objects. To further remedy the confusion issue of nearly horizontal objects, the area ratio between the object and its minimal circumscribed rectangle has been used to guide the selection of horizontal or oriented detection for each object. The rotation efficient IOU loss (R-EIOU) connects the flat bounding box with the three area ratios and improves the accuracy of the rotating bounding. Experimental results on remote sensing datasets, including HRSC2016, DOTA, and UCAS-AOD, show that our method achieves superior detection performance than many state-of-the-art approaches. The code and model will be coming with the paper published.
翻译:旋转天体探测是空中图像中的一项艰巨任务,因为空中图像中的物体显示在任意方向上,而且往往被密集地包罗。虽然已经取得了相当大的进展,但现有的回归式旋转探测器仍然面临一些挑战,因为其代表性模糊。在本文件中,我们提出了一个简单、实用的框架,以优化旋转对象的边框回归。我们不直接倒退五个参数(中央点、宽度、高度和旋转角度的坐标)或四个顶点,而是使用平行图(ARP)的区域比来准确描述一个多方向对象。具体地说,ARAP返回点、高度和宽度的定位探测器仍然受到代表面的模糊性。在本文中,我们建议一个简单、实用的框架来优化旋转旋转对象的框框框。为了进一步纠正近横向对象、宽度、高度和旋转角角角度之间的区域比例,我们使用了平行图(ARP)的区域比例来准确描述一个多方向对象。 旋转高效的IOUU(REOU)损失(R-EIOU)即将到的角点点、角物体最小的矩形矩形的高度和宽宽宽宽度探测器,包括磁标的磁标的磁标的轨道测量度, 将SBA-A-LA-LA-LA-LA-A-RADA-LA-A-RADA-RA-RADA-RA-RA-RA-RA-RAD-RAD-RAD-RA-RA-RA-RA-RA-RA-RA-RAD-RAD-RAD-RA-RA-RAD-RAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI)连接将连接将连接连接连接连接将接接将连接,将连接,将接连连连接的精确的轨道,将改进的轨道,将改进的轨道和SBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLT 和