X-risk is a term introduced to represent a family of compositional measures or objectives, in which each data point is compared with a set of data points explicitly or implicitly for defining a risk function. It includes many widely used measures or objectives, e.g., AUROC, AUPRC, partial AUROC, NDCG, MAP, top-$K$ NDCG, top-$K$ MAP, listwise losses, p-norm push, top push, precision/recall at top $K$ positions, precision at a certain recall level, contrastive objectives, etc. While these measures/objectives and their optimization algorithms have been studied in the literature of machine learning, computer vision, information retrieval, and etc, optimizing these measures/objectives has encountered some unique challenges for deep learning. In this technical report, we survey our recent rigorous efforts for deep X-risk optimization (DXO) by focusing on its algorithmic foundation. We introduce a class of techniques for optimizing X-risk for deep learning. We formulate DXO into three special families of non-convex optimization problems belonging to non-convex min-max optimization, non-convex compositional optimization, and non-convex bilevel optimization, respectively. For each family of problems, we present some strong baseline algorithms and their complexities, which will motivate further research for improving the existing results. Discussions about the presented results and future studies are given at the end.
翻译:X风险是用来代表一组构成措施或目标的术语,其中将每个数据点与一组数据点进行明确或隐含的比较,以界定一个风险功能,其中包括许多广泛使用的措施或目标,例如AUROC、AUPRC、部分AUROC、NDCG、MAP、最高-K美元NDCG、最高-美元MAP、列表损失、p-cront 推推力、顶推力、顶级推力、最高职位的精确度/召回、某种召回水平的精确度、对比性目标等。虽然这些措施/目标及其优化算法已在机器学习、计算机视觉、信息检索等文献中进行了研究,但优化这些措施/目标在深层次学习方面遇到了一些独特的挑战。在本技术报告中,我们通过侧重于其算法基础,调查我们最近为深度风险优化(DXO)所作的严格努力。 我们为深层次学习引入了一套技术。 我们将DXO设计成三个特别的强型家庭非康化优化问题、计算机观点、目前最优化的顶级结构、目前不升级的顶级研究结果和不升级的当前逻辑问题研究。