项目名称: 液层内Marangoni-热毛细对流的复杂特性研究
项目编号: No.51276203
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 能源与动力工程
项目作者: 彭岚
作者单位: 重庆大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 自然界和工程技术领域,存在着各种复杂的界面现象和热毛细对流。近年来,随着现代高新技术的发展,出现了大量新的界面现象和热毛细对流过程,提出了一系列传统的界面理论和热毛细对流理论无法解释的新的研究课题。本项目即针对有着重要应用背景的前沿课题- - "液层内Marangoni-热毛细对流的耦合作用"为研究对象,借助数值模拟、理论分析和实验研究,认知法向温度梯度和切向温度梯度耦合作用下的Marangoni-热毛细对流的复杂特性;解释流动失稳后不同耗散结构相互转换、演变的机理;探明表面波和热流体波的相互作用规律;掌握几何特征、表面变形和表面蒸发等对液层内耦合热对流的调控机制。旨在揭示两种典型的耗散结构:Benard流胞和热流体波的形成机理及其相互转化规律。本项目从理论上可发展液层内复杂流动的耗散结构理论、拓展热毛细对流的研究领域,从工程实践上可为流控器件的设计和调控奠定坚实的理论基础。
中文关键词: 双向温度梯度;Marangoni-热毛细对流;流动特性;稳定性;液层
英文摘要: With the development of the advanced technology, numerous new research subjects which are difficult to be explained by the traditional theories on the interface and thermocapillary convection have been proposed, accompaning by novel interface phenomenon and thermocapillary convection processes emerging. One exceptional potential subject, the coupling of Marangoni convection and thermocapillary convection in a liquid layer, has been chosed in this project. The numerical simulation incorporating with theoretical analysis and experimental study will be adopted. At first, we will identify the complex properties of the Marangoni-thermocapillary convection due to the synergy of the normal and tangent temperature differences. Furthermore, the insights will be gained into the mechanism of transform and evolution among different dissipative structures during the unstable flow. More importantly, the interplay of surface wave and thermal liquid wave will be explored. Meanwhile, the coupling rules will aslo be proclaimed in which the thermal convection in a liquid layer is influenced by geometrial factors, surface distortion and surface evaporation. Finally, we will highlight the generation mechanism and translation rule of the two typical dissipative structures, the Benard flow and thermal liquid wave. It is expected to de
英文关键词: Bidirectional temperature gradients;Marangoni-thermocapillary convection;flow characteristic;stability;liquid layer