Deep neural networks have shown promising results in disease detection and classification using medical image data. However, they still suffer from the challenges of handling real-world scenarios especially reliably detecting out-of-distribution (OoD) samples. We propose an approach to robustly classify OoD samples in skin and malaria images without the need to access labeled OoD samples during training. Specifically, we use metric learning along with logistic regression to force the deep networks to learn much rich class representative features. To guide the learning process against the OoD examples, we generate ID similar-looking examples by either removing class-specific salient regions in the image or permuting image parts and distancing them away from in-distribution samples. During inference time, the K-reciprocal nearest neighbor is employed to detect out-of-distribution samples. For skin cancer OoD detection, we employ two standard benchmark skin cancer ISIC datasets as ID, and six different datasets with varying difficulty levels were taken as out of distribution. For malaria OoD detection, we use the BBBC041 malaria dataset as ID and five different challenging datasets as out of distribution. We achieved state-of-the-art results, improving 5% and 4% in TNR@TPR95% over the previous state-of-the-art for skin cancer and malaria OoD detection respectively.
翻译:深心神经网络在利用医疗图像数据进行疾病检测和分类方面显示出了可喜的成果。然而,它们仍然面临着处理现实世界情景的挑战,特别是可靠地探测出分配(OoD)样本。我们建议一种方法,在皮肤和疟疾图像中将OOD样本严格分类,而无需在培训期间访问贴标签的OOOD样本。具体地说,我们使用标准学习和物流回归方法,迫使深心网络学习许多丰富的阶级代表特征。为了指导与OOOD实例相对应的学习过程,我们生成了相似的长相示例。我们使用BBBC041疟疾数据集作为图像或间置图像部分的特级区域,并将它们与分配样本分开。在推断期间,使用相近的K-ROD邻居用来探测出分配样本。对于皮肤癌 OOOD检测,我们使用两种标准的皮肤癌肿瘤癌症基准数据集IS数据库数据集(IS)数据集(ISOOD)和六种不同难度程度的数据集(OD)作为分发。我们使用BBC041疟疾数据库(BBC041)数据集作为ID)和五种不同具有挑战性的数据集作为分布的数据集(NRPOD)(分别为4-95),在分发中实现了4-%的状态检测结果)。