The emergence of agentic technologies (e.g., robots) in increasingly public realms (e.g., social media) has revealed surprising antisocial tendencies in human-agent interactions. In particular, there is growing indication of people's propensity to act aggressively towards such systems - without provocation and unabashedly so. Towards understanding whether this aggressive behavior is anomalous or whether it is associated with general antisocial tendencies in people's broader interactions, we examined people's verbal disinhibition towards two artificial agents. Using Twitter as a corpus of free-form, unsupervised interactions, we identified 40 independent Twitter users who tweeted abusively or non-abusively at one of two high-profile robots with Twitter accounts (TMI's Bina48 and Hanson Robotics' Sophia). Analysis of 50 of each user's tweets most proximate to their tweet at the respective robot (N=2,000) shows people's aggression towards the robots to be associated with more frequent abuse in their general tweeting. The findings thus suggest that disinhibition towards robots is not necessarily a pervasive tendency, but rather one driven by individual differences in antisociality. Nevertheless, such unprovoked abuse highlights a need for attention to the reception of agentic technologies in society, as well as the necessity of corresponding capacities to recognize and respond to antisocial dynamics.
翻译:在日益公开的场合(例如社交媒体),代理技术(例如机器人)的出现暴露了人类代理互动中令人惊讶的反社会倾向,特别是,人们越来越倾向于在不挑衅和无耻的情况下对此类系统采取激进行动。为了了解这种侵略行为是否异常,或是否与人们更广泛的互动中的一般反社会趋势相关联,我们研究了人们对两个人工代理的口头厌恶。我们利用Twitter作为自由形式、不受监督的互动的集合,我们发现40个独立的推特用户在推特账户的两个高知名度机器人(TMI's Bina48 和 Hanson Robanic' Sophia)中任意或非恶意地向其中之一(TMI's Bina48 和 Hanson Robic' Sophia)上,人们倾向于使用这种攻击性的行为是否与他们各自在机器人的广泛互动中的推特(N=2 000)中最接近。我们发现,人们对机器人的敌意与一般推特中更频繁的滥用有关。因此,我们发现,对机器人的厌恶性反应不一定是一种普遍的社会主义趋势,而是一种压迫性反应,但一种驱动力是社会上的一种推感应的。