Motivation: Digitization of pathology laboratories through digital slide scanners and advances in deep learning approaches for objective histological assessment have resulted in rapid progress in the field of computational pathology (CPath) with wide-ranging applications in medical and pharmaceutical research as well as clinical workflows. However, the estimation of robustness of CPath models to variations in input images is an open problem with a significant impact on the down-stream practical applicability, deployment and acceptability of these approaches. Furthermore, development of domain-specific strategies for enhancement of robustness of such models is of prime importance as well. Implementation and Availability: In this work, we propose the first domain-specific Robustness Evaluation and Enhancement Toolbox (REET) for computational pathology applications. It provides a suite of algorithmic strategies for enabling robustness assessment of predictive models with respect to specialized image transformations such as staining, compression, focusing, blurring, changes in spatial resolution, brightness variations, geometric changes as well as pixel-level adversarial perturbations. Furthermore, REET also enables efficient and robust training of deep learning pipelines in computational pathology. REET is implemented in Python and is available at the following URL: Contact:
翻译:动力:通过数字幻灯片扫描仪对病理实验室进行数字化,并推进深入学习,以进行客观的病理评估,从而在计算病理学(CPath)领域取得迅速进展,在医学和医药研究以及临床工作流程方面应用范围很广,然而,CPath模型对投入图像变化的稳健性估计是一个公开的问题,对下游实际应用、部署和接受这些方法产生重大影响。此外,制定具体领域战略,加强这些模型的稳健性也至关重要。实施和提供:在这项工作中,我们提出了第一个针对特定领域的强力评估和加强工具箱(REET),用于计算病理学应用。它提供了一套算法战略,以便能够对专门图像变化的预测模型进行稳健性评估,例如污点、压缩、集中、模糊、空间分辨率变化、亮度变化、几何度变化以及平ixel-worick perturbations。此外,REET还有助于在计算路径/Fealbormas中进行高效和稳健的深层学习管道培训。