In this paper, we show how one may (efficiently) construct two types of extremal combinatorial objects whose existence was previously conjectural. (*) Panchromatic Graphs: For fixed integer k, a k-panchromatic graph is, roughly speaking, a balanced bipartite graph with one partition class equipartitioned into k colour classes in which the common neighbourhoods of panchromatic k-sets of vertices are much larger than those of k-sets that repeat a colour. The question of their existence was raised by Karthik and Manurangsi [Combinatorica 2020]. (*) Threshold Graphs: For fixed integer k, a k-threshold graph is, roughly speaking, a balanced bipartite graph in which the common neighbourhoods of k-sets of vertices on one side are much larger than those of (k+1)-sets. The question of their existence was raised by Lin [JACM 2018]. As applications of our constructions, we show the following conditional time lower bounds on the parameterized set intersection problem where, given a collection of n sets over universe [n] and a parameter k, the goal is to find k sets with the largest intersection. (*) Assuming ETH, for any computable function F, no $n^{o(k)}$-time algorithm can approximate the parameterized set intersection problem up to factor F(k). This improves considerably on the previously best-known result under ETH due to Lin [JACM 2018], who ruled out any $n^{o(\sqrt{k})}$ time approximation algorithm for this problem. (*) Assuming SETH, for every $\varepsilon>0$ and any computable function F, no $n^{k-\varepsilon}$-time algorithm can approximate the parameterized set intersection problem up to factor F(k). No result of comparable strength was previously known under SETH, even for solving this problem exactly.
翻译:在本文中, 我们展示了如何( 高效地) 构建两种存在之前是测算值的极端组合对象 。 (*) Panchromatic Graps: 对于固定整数 k, k-panchromatic 图形是一个平衡的双部分图, 将一个分区级设备配置成 k 彩色类, 其中普通的全色K- set 垂直的周围比重颜色的 kset 问题要大得多 。 它们的存在问题由 Lin [JACM 2018] 提出 。 由 Karthik 和 Manurangsi [Combinalterright$ 2020] 提出 。 (*) 亮点数 : 对于固定整整数 k- srelock 图形是一个平衡的双部分图, 其中一面的 k- setcetcreates 共同的圆点比 (k+1) 问题要大得多。 它们的存在问题由 Lin [JCM 2018] 提出。 问题由我们的任何构造应用, 我们展示了以下的 时间 将时间分解在参数设定的交叉点设置中 问题, 问题由 rodeal demodemodeal made made made made max max ma 。