In this work, we propose a stateless blockchain called CompactChain, which compacts the entire state of the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) based blockchain systems into two RSA accumulators. The first accumulator is called Transaction Output (TXO) commitment which represents the TXO set. The second one is called Spent Transaction Output (STXO) commitment which represents the STXO set. In this work, we discuss three algorithms - (i) To update the TXO and STXO commitments by the miner. The miner also provides the proofs for the correctness of the updated commitments; (ii) To prove the transaction's validity by providing a membership witness in TXO commitment and non-membership witness against STXO commitment for a coin being spent by a user; (iii) To update the witness for the coin that is not yet spent; The experimental results evaluate the performance of the CompactChain in terms of time taken by a miner to update the commitments and time taken by a validator to verify the commitments and validate the transactions. We compare the performance of CompactChain with the existing state-of-art works on stateless blockchains. CompactChain shows a reduction in commitments update complexity and transaction witness size which inturn reduces the mempool size and propagation latency without compromising the system throughput (Transactions per second (TPS)).
翻译:在这项工作中,我们提出一个名为Commission Chain的无国籍链条,将基于UXO(未交易输出)的基于UTXO(未交易输出)的连锁系统的整个状态压缩为两个RSA积累器。第一个累积者称为交易输出(TXO)承诺,代表TXO组。第二个是代表STXO组的Spent交易输出(STXO)承诺。在这个工作中,我们讨论了三种算法——(一) 更新采矿者对TXO和STXO的承诺。采矿者还提供更新承诺的正确性证据;(二) 通过提供TXO承诺的成员证人和反对STXO承诺的非成员证人,代表TXO组的TXO组承诺。 第二个称为Spent Transport 输出(STXO) 代表STXO组的S(STXO)承诺,代表SDFO(S) 更新《全球契约》的进度和Slevilal-Creportoration的进度,我们比较《全球契约》的进度和Slevilal-Trading(Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx