We devise new cut sparsifiers that are related to the classical sparsification of Nagamochi and Ibaraki [Algorithmica, 1992], which is an algorithm that, given an unweighted graph $G$ on $n$ nodes and a parameter $k$, computes a subgraph with $O(nk)$ edges that preserves all cuts of value up to $k$. We put forward the notion of a friendly cut sparsifier, which is a minor of $G$ that preserves all friendly cuts of value up to $k$, where a cut in $G$ is called friendly if every node has more edges connecting it to its own side of the cut than to the other side. We present an algorithm that, given a simple graph $G$, computes in almost-linear time a friendly cut sparsifier with $\tilde{O}(n \sqrt{k})$ edges. Using similar techniques, we also show how, given in addition a terminal set $T$, one can compute in almost-linear time a terminal sparsifier, which preserves the minimum $st$-cut between every pair of terminals, with $\tilde{O}(n \sqrt{k} + |T| k)$ edges. Plugging these sparsifiers into the recent $n^{2+o(1)}$-time algorithms for constructing a Gomory-Hu tree of simple graphs, along with a relatively simple procedure for handling the unfriendly minimum cuts, we improve the running time for moderately dense graphs (e.g., with $m=n^{1.75}$ edges). In particular, assuming a linear-time Max-Flow algorithm, the new state-of-the-art for Gomory-Hu tree is the minimum between our $(m+n^{1.75})^{1+o(1)}$ and the known $m n^{1/2+o(1)}$. We further investigate the limits of this approach and the possibility of better sparsification. Under the hypothesis that an $\tilde{O}(n)$-edge sparsifier that preserves all friendly minimum $st$-cuts can be computed efficiently, our upper bound improves to $\tilde{O}(m+n^{1.5})$ which is the best possible without breaking the cubic barrier for constructing Gomory-Hu trees in non-simple graphs.
翻译:我们设计了与纳加莫奇和伊巴拉基的经典松绑有关的新的裁量器。 与纳加莫奇和伊巴拉基( Alorithmica, 1992) 相联的新裁量器。 这是一种算法,考虑到一个未加权的图形$G$对美元节点和一个参数$k$, 计算了一个带有美元( nk) 边缘的子组, 将所有价值的削减量维持在美元上。 我们提出了友好的裁剪机的概念, 这个概念小于$( g), 将所有最接近的离调值削减维持在美元上, 如果每个节点比其他节点多连接它自己的一面的边缘, 则称为美元; 我们提出了一个算法, 在一个简单的图形$( nk) 边框中, 将一个友好的剪裁器用$@ (n) rqtr@ talk} 更接近的节点。 我们用类似的技术来显示, 除了一个终端设置美元, 一个在最短的端端点之间, 一个可以进行一个直立的 一种最短的运行的 。