The idea of using lexical translations to define sense inventories has a long history in lexical semantics. We propose a theoretical framework which allows us to answer the question of why this apparently reasonable idea failed to produce useful results. We formally prove several propositions on how the translations of a word relate to its senses, as well as on the relationship between synonymy and polysemy. We empirically validate our theoretical findings on BabelNet, and demonstrate how they could be used to perform unsupervised word sense disambiguation of a substantial fraction of the lexicon.
翻译:使用词汇翻译来定义感知目录的想法在词汇语义学方面有着悠久的历史。 我们提出了一个理论框架,让我们可以回答为什么这一显然合理的想法未能产生有用结果的问题。 我们正式证明了几个关于一个词的翻译如何与其感知相关,以及同义和多元之间的关系的主张。 我们从经验上验证了我们关于 BabelNet的理论结论,并展示了如何利用这些理论来对相当一部分词汇进行不受监督的词感脱节。