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6 月 30 日(周日)下午 2 点,“每周一起读”将邀请清华大学计算机系本科生朱昊,和大家分享其发表于自然语言处理顶级会议 ACL 2019 和 NAACL 2019 的最新文章。
Hao Zhu is graduating from Tsinghua University with a bachelor degree in computer science and will be joining CMU LTI as a Ph.D. student this fall. He feels fortunate to work with Zhiyuan Liu, Jason Eisner (JHU), Matt Gormley (CMU) and Tat-seng Chua (NUS) during his undergraduate research.
His ultimate goal is to understand human intelligence. Believing in Feynman's famous quote, "What I cannot create, I do not understand.", he is working on teaching Machine Learning models to gain human intelligence. More specifically, he is currently interested in teaching machines to speak human language, as well as to do human-level logical reasoning. To reach such goals, he is always fashioning principle, computable, and effective approaches.
ACL 2019
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel graph neural network with generated parameters (GPGNNs). The parameters in the propagation module, i.e. the transition matrices used in message passing procedure, are produced by a generator taking natural language sentences as inputs. We verify GP-GNNs in relation extraction from text, both on bag- and instance settings. Experimental results on a human annotated dataset and two distantly supervised datasets show that multi-hop reasoning mechanism yields significant improvements. We also perform a qualitative analysis to demonstrate that our model could discover more accurate relations by multi-hop relational reasoning. Codes and data are released at https: //github.com/thunlp/gp-gnn.
ACL 2019
Abstract: We introduce a conceptually simple and effective method to quantify the similarity between relations in knowledge bases. Specifically, our approach is based on the divergence between the conditional probability distributions over entity pairs. In this paper, these distributions are parameterized by a very simple neural network. Although computing the exact similarity is intractable, we provide a sampling-based method to get a good approximation.
We empirically show the outputs of our approach significantly correlate with human judgments. By applying our method to various tasks, we also find that (1) our approach could effectively detect redundant relations extracted by open information extraction (Open IE) models, that (2) even the most competitive models for relational classification still make mistakes among very similar relations, and that (3) our approach could be incorporated into negative sampling and softmax classification to alleviate these mistakes. The source code and experiment details of this paper can be obtained from https://github.com/thunlp/relation-similarity.
NAACL 2019
Abstract: We introduce neural finite state transducers (NFSTs), a family of string transduction models defining joint and conditional probability distributions over pairs of strings. The probability of a string pair is obtained by marginalizing over all its accepting paths in a finite state transducer. In contrast to ordinary weighted FSTs, however, each path is scored using an arbitrary function such as a recurrent neural network, which breaks the usual conditional independence assumption (Markov property). NFSTs are more powerful than previous finite-state models with neural features (Rastogi et al., 2016). We present training and inference algorithms for locally and globally normalized variants of NFSTs. In experiments on different transduction tasks, they compete favorably against seq2seq models while offering interpretable paths that correspond to hard monotonic alignments.
时间:6 月 30 日(周日) 14:00–16:00
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