Providing evidence that quantum computers can efficiently prepare low-energy or thermal states of physically relevant interacting quantum systems is a major challenge in quantum information science. A newly developed quantum Gibbs sampling algorithm by Chen, Kastoryano, and Gily\'en provides an efficient simulation of the detailed-balanced dissipative dynamics of non-commutative quantum systems. The running time of this algorithm depends on the mixing time of the corresponding quantum Markov chain, which has not been rigorously bounded except in the high-temperature regime. In this work, we establish a polylog(n) upper bound on its mixing time for various families of random n by n sparse Hamiltonians at any constant temperature. We further analyze how the choice of the jump operators for the algorithm and the spectral properties of these sparse Hamiltonians influence the mixing time. Our result places this method for Gibbs sampling on par with other efficient algorithms for preparing low-energy states of quantumly easy Hamiltonians.