When deploying Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), developers often convert models from one deep learning framework to another (e.g., TensorFlow to PyTorch). However, this process is error-prone and can impact target model accuracy. To identify the extent of such impact, we perform and briefly present a differential analysis against three DNNs widely used for image recognition (MobileNetV2, ResNet101, and InceptionV3) converted across four well-known deep learning frameworks (PyTorch, Keras, TensorFlow (TF), and TFLite), which revealed numerous model crashes and output label discrepancies of up to 72%. To mitigate such errors, we present a novel approach towards fault localization and repair of buggy deep learning framework conversions, focusing on pre-trained image recognition models. Our technique consists of four stages of analysis: 1) conversion tools, 2) model parameters, 3) model hyperparameters, and 4) graph representation. In addition, we propose various strategies towards fault repair of the faults detected. We implement our technique on top of the Apache TVM deep learning compiler, and we test it by conducting a preliminary fault localization analysis for the conversion of InceptionV3 from TF to TFLite. Our approach detected a fault in a common DNN converter tool, which introduced precision errors in weights, reducing model accuracy. After our fault localization, we repaired the issue, reducing our conversion error to zero.