Automatic inference of important paralinguistic information such as age from speech is an important area of research with numerous spoken language technology based applications. Speaker age estimation has applications in enabling personalization and age-appropriate curation of information and content. However, research in speaker age estimation in children is especially challenging due to paucity of relevant speech data representing the developmental spectrum, and the high signal variability especially intra age variability that complicates modeling. Most approaches in children speaker age estimation adopt methods directly from research on adult speech processing. In this paper, we propose features specific to children and focus on speaker's phone duration as an important biomarker of children's age. We propose phone duration modeling for predicting age from child's speech. To enable that, children speech is first forced aligned with the corresponding transcription to derive phone duration distributions. Statistical functionals are computed from phone duration distributions for each phoneme which are in turn used to train regression models to predict speaker age. Two children speech datasets are employed to demonstrate the robustness of phone duration features. We perform age regression experiments on age categories ranging from children studying in kindergarten to grade 10. Experimental results suggest phone durations contain important development-related information of children. Phonemes contributing most to estimation of children speaker age are analyzed and presented.
翻译:以语言为基础的重要语言信息,如言语年龄的自动推断,是许多口语技术应用的重要研究领域。 发言人年龄估计应用了个人化和适合年龄的信息和内容整理; 然而,由于缺少代表发展频谱的相关语音数据,儿童语言年龄估计研究特别具有挑战性;由于缺少代表发展频谱的相关语音数据,儿童语言年龄估计研究特别具有挑战性,以及高信号可变性,特别是使年龄变异性变得复杂化; 大多数儿童语言年龄估计方法都直接从成人语言处理研究中采用方法。 在本文件中,我们提出了儿童特有特点,并侧重于发言者的电话持续时间,作为儿童年龄的重要生物标志。我们建议从儿童学习到10年级儿童演讲的年龄预测的电话持续时间模型。为了能够做到这一点,儿童演讲首先被迫与相应的校正对应,以获得电话持续时间分布; 统计功能是从每部电话的电话分配时间进行计算,这又反过来用来训练回归模型来预测发言者的年龄。两个儿童语音数据集用来显示电话持续时间特征的稳健性。我们在儿童学习幼儿园到10年级的实验中进行年龄回归实验,我们从儿童年龄分类,从儿童实验到10年级的实验结果显示与手机持续时间中的儿童。