In multi-center clinical trials, due to various reasons, the individual-level data are strictly restricted to be assessed publicly. Instead, the summarized information is widely available from published results. With the advance of computational technology, it has become very common in data analyses to run on hundreds or thousands of machines simultaneous, with the data distributed across those machines and no longer available in a single central location. How to effectively assemble the summarized clinical data information or information from each machine in parallel computation has become a challenging task for statisticians and computer scientists. In this paper, we selectively review some recently-developed statistical methods, including communication efficient distributed statistical inference, and renewal estimation and incremental inference, which can be regarded as the latest development of calibration information methods in the era of big data. Even though those methods were developed in different fields and in different statistical frameworks, in principle, they are asymptotically equivalent to those well known methods developed in meta analysis. Almost no or little information is lost compared with the case when full data are available. As a general tool to integrate information, we also review the generalized method of moments and estimating equations approach by using empirical likelihood method.