In much of the literature on function approximation by deep networks, the function is assumed to be defined on some known domain, such as a cube or a sphere. In practice, the data might not be dense on these domains, and therefore, the approximation theory results are observed to be too conservative. In manifold learning, one assumes instead that the data is sampled from an unknown manifold; i.e., the manifold is defined by the data itself. Function approximation on this unknown manifold is then a two stage procedure: first, one approximates the Laplace-Beltrami operator (and its eigen-decomposition) on this manifold using a graph Laplacian, and next, approximates the target function using the eigen-functions. Alternatively, one estimates first some atlas on the manifold and then uses local approximation techniques based on the local coordinate charts. In this paper, we propose a more direct approach to function approximation on \emph{unknown}, data defined manifolds without computing the eigen-decomposition of some operator or an atlas for the manifold, and estimate the degree of approximation. Our constructions are universal; i.e., do not require the knowledge of any prior on the target function other than continuity on the manifold. For smooth functions, the estimates do not suffer from the so-called saturation phenomenon. We demonstrate via a property called good propagation of errors how the results can be lifted for function approximation using deep networks where each channel evaluates a Gaussian network on a possibly unknown manifold.
翻译:在很多关于深网络函数近似的文献中,该函数被假定在某些已知的领域,例如立方体或球体上定义。在实践中,数据可能并不密集于这些领域,因此,近似理论结果被观察为过于保守。在多种学习中,人们假设数据样本来自未知的方块;即,该方块是由数据本身定义的。这个未知方块上的功能近似是一个两个阶段:首先,使用图 Laplace-Beltrami 操作员(及其树皮分解作用)接近于该方块上的 Laplace-Beltrami 操作员(及其树本分解作用),然后,利用eiplaccian 功能近似目标函数。或者,首先估算一些方块上的图集,然后根据本地协调图表使用本地近近似技术。在本文中,我们建议一种更直接的方法来运行近似于\emph{未知的方块的值。数据定义的方块块不计算某些操作员或图解的方块值,然后用图解测测测出该方块的精度程度。我们的构造的精确性功能不会影响其它的精确的精确性功能。