Gini distance correlation (GDC) was recently proposed to measure the dependence between a categorical variable, Y, and a numerical random vector, X. It mutually characterizes independence between X and Y. In this article, we utilize the GDC to establish a feature screening for ultrahigh-dimensional discriminant analysis where the response variable is categorical. It can be used for screening individual features as well as grouped features. The proposed procedure possesses several appealing properties. It is model-free. No model specification is needed. It holds the sure independence screening property and the ranking consistency property. The proposed screening method can also deal with the case that the response has divergent number of categories. We conduct several Monte Carlo simulation studies to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed screening procedure. Real data analysis for two real life datasets are illustrated.
翻译:最近,基尼距离相关性(Gini distance correlation,简称GDC)被提出来用于衡量分类变量Y和数值型随机向量X之间的相依性,是相互表徵X和Y间的独立性的。在此篇文章中,我们使用GDC来建立一种超高维判别分析的分组特征筛选,其中响应变量是分类的。它可用于筛选单个特征以及分组特征。所提出的流程具有几个吸引人的特性。它是无模型的,不需要模型指定。它具有Sure Independence Screening (SIS) 和排序一致性 (Ranking Consistency) 特性。该筛选方法还可以处理响应变量有不同类别数量的情况。我们进行了几个蒙特卡洛模拟研究,以检验所提筛选流程的有限样本性能。并且对两个真实数据集的实际数据分析进行了说明。