We consider the problem of service hosting where a service provider can dynamically rent edge resources via short term contracts to ensure better quality of service to its customers. The service can also be partially hosted at the edge, in which case, customers' requests can be partially served at the edge. The total cost incurred by the system is modeled as a combination of the rent cost, the service cost incurred due to latency in serving customers, and the fetch cost incurred as a result of the bandwidth used to fetch the code/databases of the service from the cloud servers to host the service at the edge. In this paper, we compare multiple hosting policies with regret as a metric, defined as the difference in the cost incurred by the policy and the optimal policy over some time horizon $T$. In particular we consider the Retro Renting (RR) and Follow The Perturbed Leader (FTPL) policies proposed in the literature and provide performance guarantees on the regret of these policies. We show that under i.i.d stochastic arrivals, RR policy has linear regret while FTPL policy has constant regret. Next, we propose a variant of FTPL, namely Wait then FTPL (W-FTPL), which also has constant regret while demonstrating much better dependence on the fetch cost. We also show that under adversarial arrivals, RR policy has linear regret while both FTPL and W-FTPL have regret $\mathrm{O}(\sqrt{T})$ which is order-optimal.
翻译:我们考虑了服务托管问题,即服务提供人可以通过短期合同动态地租赁边缘资源,以确保向客户提供更优质的服务;服务也可以部分在边缘提供,在这种情况下,客户的要求可以部分在边缘提供;系统产生的总费用是结合租金成本、服务客户长期性差引起的服务费用以及由于从云端服务器获取服务代码/数据库以在边缘提供服务而带来的带宽成本。在本文中,我们将多种托管政策作为令人遗憾的衡量标准加以比较,其定义是政策和最佳政策在一定时间范围内产生的成本差异($T$)。我们特别将Retro Retro Renting (RRR) 和 遵循文献中提议的隐蔽领导人(FTPL) 政策结合起来,为这些政策的遗憾提供业绩保障。我们表明,在i.i.dstochmatic 抵达服务代码/数据库时,RR政策有线性遗憾,而FTPL政策则不断感到遗憾。接下来,我们提出FTPL的变量是FTPL和最佳政策在一段时间里程上产生的价格,而我们又在FTP-FTP上展示了不断的排序。</s>