Scan chains provide increased controllability and observability for testing digital circuits. The increased testability, however, can also be a source of information leakage for sensitive designs. The state-of-the-art defenses to secure scan chains apply dynamic keys to pseudo-randomly invert the scan vectors. In this paper, we pinpoint an algebraic vulnerability of these dynamic defenses that involves creating and solving a system of linear equations over the finite field GF(2). In particular, we propose a novel GF(2)-based flush attack that breaks even the most rigorous version of state-of-the-art dynamic defenses. Our experimental results demonstrate that our attack recovers the key as long as 500 bits in less than 7 seconds, the attack times are about one hundredth of state-of-the-art SAT based attacks on the same defenses. We then demonstrate how our attacks can be extended to scan chains compressed with Multiple-Input Signature Registers (MISRs).
翻译:扫描链为测试数字电路提供了更大的可控性和可观测性。 但是,增强的可测试性也可以成为敏感设计信息泄漏的来源。 最先进的扫描链防护装置对扫描矢量应用了假随机反转的动态键。 在本文中,我们指出这些动态防御装置的代数脆弱性,它涉及在有限场GF(2)上创建和解决一个线性方程系统。 特别是,我们提议以GF(2)为基础的新式冲锋攻击,它打破了最严格的最先进的最先进的动态防御装置。 我们的实验结果显示,只要在不到7秒的时间内500位,我们的攻击能够恢复钥匙,攻击时间大约是以同一防御线性阵列为基础的最先进的SAT攻击次数的100倍。 然后,我们演示如何扩大我们的攻击范围,用多投射量签名登记册扫描压缩的链条。