We present a butterfly-compressed representation of the Hadamard-Babich (HB) ansatz for the Green's function of the high-frequency Helmholtz equation in smooth inhomogeneous media. For a computational domain discretized with $N_v$ discretization cells, the proposed algorithm first solves and tabulates the phase and HB coefficients via eikonal and transport equations with observation points and point sources located at the Chebyshev nodes using a set of much coarser computation grids, and then butterfly compresses the resulting HB interactions from all $N_v$ cell centers to each other. The overall CPU time and memory requirement scale as $O(N_v\log^2N_v)$ for any bounded 2D domains with arbitrary excitation sources. A direct extension of this scheme to bounded 3D domains yields an $O(N_v^{4/3})$ CPU complexity, which can be further reduced to quasi-linear complexities with proposed remedies. The scheme can also efficiently handle scattering problems involving inclusions in inhomogeneous media. Although the current construction of our HB integrator does not accommodate caustics, the resulting HB integrator itself can be applied to certain sources, such as concave-shaped sources, to produce caustic effects. Compared to finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) methods, the proposed HB integrator is free of numerical dispersion and requires fewer discretization points per wavelength. As a result, it can solve wave-propagation problems well beyond the capability of existing solvers. Remarkably, the proposed scheme can accurately model wave propagation in 2D domains with 640 wavelengths per direction and in 3D domains with 54 wavelengths per direction on a state-the-art supercomputer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
翻译:我们展示了Hadamard-Babich (HB) ansatz 的蝴蝶压缩代表, 用于 Green 的功能。 在平滑的不相容媒体中, 高频 Helmholtz 方程式。 对于使用 $N_ v$ 离散的单元格分解的计算域域, 提议的算法首先通过 eikonal 和 运输方程式解决并制表解阶段和 HB 系数。 位于 Chebyshev 节点的观察点和点源将一个 $( N_ vider4/3} ) 的观察点和点源放在 Chebyshev 节点, 然后蝴蝶压缩 HB 的相互作用, 从所有 $N_ v$ 的超频频度单元格中心到其他媒体中心。 总体的 CPU 时间和记忆方向是 $O( N_ v\ mider) 6/ 3} CPU 的直径可进一步降低到 直线 复杂度 。 。 这个方案还可以有效地处理 Hal deal deal deal deal demodeal 问题, 虽然在 rode rodeal rodustration rodudeal rodudeal 中, rodustral rodude 中, 在 roducal deal deal deal deal deal develtal deal develtal deal deal develtal develtal develtal develd rod rod rodal develd rod rod rod rod rod 。