We present a new dispute resolution protocol that can be built on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike existing applications like Kleros, privacy is ensured by design through the use of the zero-knowledge protocols Semaphore and MACI (Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure), which provide, among other things, resistance to Sybil-like attacks and corruption. Conflicts can only be resolved by people with expertise in the field, and dispute resolution is guaranteed despite the users having the final say. Moreover, the proposed model does not use a native token on the platform, but aims to reward stakeholders through a social incentive mechanism based on soulbound tokens, introduced by Weyl, Ohlhaver, and Buterin in 2022. Users with these tokens will be considered trustworthy and will have the ability to govern the platform. As far as we know, this is one of the first blockchain projects that seeks to introduce social governance rather than one based on economic incentives.
翻译:我们提出了一个新的争端解决协议,可以建立在Eceenum 区块上。 与Kleros这样的现有应用程序不同,通过使用零知识协议Semaphore和MACI(最小反集聚基础设施)来设计确保隐私。 除其他外,这为抵抗类似Sybil式的袭击和腐败提供了抵抗。 冲突只能由拥有该领域专门知识的人来解决,尽管用户有最后发言权,但争议解决还是得到保障。 此外,拟议模式并不使用平台上的本地标牌,而是通过2022年Weyl、Ohlhaver和Buterin推出的基于有灵魂的标牌的社会激励机制来奖励利益攸关方。 使用这些标牌的用户将被视为可信,并将有能力管理平台。 据我们所知,这是第一个试图引入社会治理而不是基于经济激励的链项目之一。</s>