We propose and analyze computationally a new fictitious domain method, based on higher order space-time finite element discretizations, for the simulation of the nonstationary, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on evolving domains. The physical domain is embedded into a fixed computational mesh such that arbitrary intersections of the moving domain's boundaries with the background mesh occur. The potential of such cut finite element techniques for higher order space-time finite element methods has rarely been studied in the literature so far and deserves further elucidation. The key ingredients of the approach are the weak formulation of Dirichlet boundary conditions by Nitsche's method, the flexible and efficient integration over all types of intersections of cells by moving boundaries and the spatial extension of the discrete physical quantities to the entire computational background mesh including fictitious (ghost) subdomains of fluid flow. Thereby, an expensive remeshing and adaptation of the sparse matrix data structure are avoided and the computations are accelerated. To prevent spurious oscillations caused by irregular intersections of mesh cells, a penalization, defining also implicitly the extension to ghost domains, is added. These techniques are embedded in an arbitrary order, discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the time variable and an inf-sup stable discretization of the spatial variables. The parallel implementation of the matrix assembly is described. The optimal order convergence properties of the algorithm are illustrated in a numerical experiment for an evolving domain. The well-known 2d benchmark of flow around a cylinder as well as flow around moving obstacles with arising cut cells and fictitious domains are considered further.
翻译:我们提出并分析一种基于更高顺序空间-时间限制元素离散的新的虚拟域法,用于模拟非静止、不可压缩的导航-斯托克方程式。物理域嵌入一个固定的计算网格中,使移动域边界与背景网格网格的任意交叉发生。迄今为止,文献中很少研究过高顺序空间-时间限制元素法的这种削减有限元素技术的潜力,值得进一步解释。这一方法的关键障碍是:通过移动边界和将离散物理数量扩展到整个计算网格网格的空间扩展,来模拟非静止、不可压缩的纳维-斯托克方格方格方格方格等非静止、非静止边界方格方格的虚弱化,通过移动边界界限和将各种单元格交界的虚拟化和高效结合,通过移动边界和将离散物理数量扩展到整个计算网格网格的空间网格中。因此,避免了稀薄矩阵数据结构的昂贵的重新显示和调整,而且计算过程也更加清楚。为了防止由中间细胞细胞的不规则交错交错的分解、惩罚、同时界定各种域域间流的虚拟流的流的虚拟合并。 将一个可变的精确的轨性地标被作为一个稳定地标的精确的精确地标定,在一个稳定的地标定的精确地标定的精确地标定,这些被增加。在一个稳定的地标定的精确地标定的精确地标定的顺序被增加。