In this paper, we investigate the impact of fading channel correlation on the performance of dual-hop decode-and-forward (DF) simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) relay networks. More specifically, by considering the power splitting-based relaying (PSR) protocol for the energy harvesting (EH) process, we quantify the effect of positive and negative dependency between the source-to-relay (SR) and relay-to-destination (RD) links on key performance metrics such as ergodic capacity and outage probability. To this end, we first represent general formulations for the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the product of two arbitrary random variables, exploiting copula theory. This is used to derive the closed-form expressions of the ergodic capacity and outage probability in a SWIPT relay network under correlated Nakagami-m fading channels. Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation results are provided throughout to validate the correctness of the developed analytical results, showing that the system performance significantly improves under positive dependence in the SR-RD links, compared to the case of negative dependence and independent links. Results further demonstrate that the efficiency of the ergodic capacity and outage probability ameliorates as the fading severity reduces for the PSR protocol.