Unstructured environments are difficult for autonomous driving. This is because various unknown obstacles are lied in drivable space without lanes, and its width and curvature change widely. In such complex environments, searching for a path in real-time is difficult. Also, inaccurate localization data reduce the path tracking accuracy, increasing the risk of collision. Instead of searching and tracking the path, an alternative approach has been proposed that reactively avoids obstacles in real-time. Some methods are available for tracking global path while avoiding obstacles using the candidate paths and the artificial potential field. However, these methods require heuristics to find specific parameters for handling various complex environments. In addition, it is difficult to track the global path accurately in practice because of inaccurate localization data. If the drivable space is not accurately recognized (i.e., noisy state), the vehicle may not smoothly drive or may collide with obstacles. In this study, a method in which the vehicle drives toward drivable space only using a vision-based occupancy grid map is proposed. The proposed method uses imitation learning, where a deep neural network is trained with expert driving data. The network can learn driving patterns suited for various complex and noisy situations because these situations are contained in the training data. Experiments with a vehicle in actual parking lots demonstrated the limitations of general model-based methods and the effectiveness of the proposed imitation learning method.
翻译:无结构环境对于自主驾驶来说是困难的。 这是因为在没有车道的可驾驶空间里,各种未知障碍被掩埋在没有车道的可驾驶空间中,其宽度和弯曲性的变化十分广泛。 在这样复杂的环境中,很难实时地寻找道路。 此外,不准确的本地化数据降低了跟踪路径的准确性,增加了碰撞的风险。建议了另一种方法,即被动地搜索和跟踪路径,避免实时障碍。有些方法可用于跟踪全球路径,同时避免使用候选路径和人造潜在场块的障碍。然而,这些方法需要超常来寻找处理各种复杂环境的具体参数。此外,由于不准确的本地化数据,很难在实际中准确地跟踪全球路径。如果不能准确确认可驾驶空间,则会降低路径跟踪准确的准确性,从而增加碰撞的风险。除了搜索和跟踪外,还提出了一种替代方法,即只使用基于视觉的占用网格图和人造网域图,车辆驱动到可驾驶空间的某些方法。提议的方法是模拟学习,深层神经网络,通过专家驱动数据来准确跟踪全球路径。 网络可以学习这些模拟的模拟方法,因为在车辆的模拟学习方法已经显示了各种模拟的模型。 实验方法,因此,可以学习方法可以学习了车辆的模型。 。 学习方法可以学习方法可以学习了各种方法可以学习。 。 实验方法可以学习了各种方法,在车辆的精确式式式式式式式制式式式式式式式的模型。 。