This paper investigates a new downlink nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system, where a multiantenna unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is powered by wireless power transfer (WPT) and serves as the base station for multiple pairs of ground users (GUs) running NOMA in each pair. An energy efficiency (EE) maximization problem is formulated to jointly optimize the WPT time and the placement for the UAV, and the allocation of the UAV's transmit power between different NOMA user pairs and within each pair. To efficiently solve this nonconvex problem, we decompose the problem into three subproblems using block coordinate descent. For the subproblem of intra-pair power allocation within each NOMA user pair, we construct a supermodular game with confirmed convergence to a Nash equilibrium. Given the intra-pair power allocation, successive convex approximation is applied to convexify and solve the subproblem of WPT time allocation and inter-pair power allocation between the user pairs. Finally, we solve the subproblem of UAV placement by using the Lagrange multiplier method. Simulations show that our approach can substantially outperform its alternatives that do not use NOMA and WPT techniques or that do not optimize the UAV location.
翻译:本文研究了一个新的下行链路非交错多重存取系统(NOMA), 多ANETONA无人驾驶飞行器(UAV) 由无线电源传输(WPT) 驱动, 并成为每对运行NOMA的多对地面用户(GUs)的基站。 设计了一个能源效率最大化问题, 目的是共同优化WPT时间和UAV的定位, 以及UAV的传输能力在不同NOMA用户配对之间和每对内的分配。 为了有效解决这个非同流系统的问题, 我们使用区块协调来将问题分解成三个子问题。 对于每个NOMA用户配对内部分配电力的子问题, 我们构建了一个超模版游戏, 与纳什平衡一致。 鉴于POVER的配置, 连续的连接用于调和解决WPT时间分配和用户配对之间权力分配的子问题。 最后, 我们通过使用不优化的UAVMA方法来解决UAVPT的子问题, 而不是以优化的方法来展示我们的最佳方式。