项目名称: ADS 次临界堆液态金属铅铋流动与强化传热机理研究
项目编号: No.91326101
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 汪卫华
作者单位: 中国人民解放军陆军军官学院
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 加速器驱动次临界堆(ADS)已列为我国大规模发展核电处理长寿命核废料的能源战略。液态铅铋合金(LBE)由于具有良好的中子与载热性能,首选作为无窗靶材料和冷却剂,其在高温、高能质子束流轰击、高功率密度核热等特殊条件下的流动与传热特性是加速器与靶、靶与包层耦合及先进二回路技术领域的关键科学问题,已成为国际研究热点。本项目运用自主研发的系列液态金属实验回路、高温非接触超声波测速技术,采用实验验证与数值模拟相结合的方法,研究适合液态重金属流动与传热的湍流模型,探索高温LBE靶区自由表面形成演变规律与稳定机理,获取复杂间隙流道、核热功率密度沿轴向剧烈变化等特殊条件下包层内LBE流动压降与流速关联式、流速与燃料棒壁面磨擦系数关系、换热关联式和换热系数,探究换热器复杂流道内高温LBE与高压氦气双流场温度、流速与流动阻力、强化换热性能的经验关联式,为ADS堆设计建造与关键技术的发展奠定基础。
中文关键词: ADS堆;液态铅铋;无窗靶;强化传热;流动特性
英文摘要: Accelerator driven subcritical system (ADS) has been listed as the energy strategy to deal with the long-lived nuclear waste for China's large-scale development of nuclear power. As liquid lead-bismuth alloy (LBE) has good neutron and thermal overload performance, it is preferred as the windowless target material and coolant. Its flow and heat transfer characteristics in the special conditions of high temperature, high-energy proton beam bombardment and high power density of nuclear heat, which is the key scientific issues of the coupling of the accelerator and target, the coupling of the target and blanket, and the advanced second-loop technology, has become an international hot spot. The self-developed series of liquid metal experimental loop, high-temperature non-contact ultrasonic velocimetry, the method of combining experiments and numerical simulation, are used to study the turbulence models for heavy metals’ flow and heat transfer. The high temperature LBE target free surface formation mechanism and stability of evolution are explored. The correlation of flow pressure drop and flow rate, the flow rate and fuel rods wall friction coefficient, heat transfer correlation and heat transfer coefficient, for the blanket LBE under the special conditions of complex clearance flow, the dramatic changes of nuclear t
英文关键词: ADS reactor;liquid lead bismiuth;windowless target;enhancement heat transfar;flow characteristics