The problem of expressing a multivariate polynomial as the determinant of a monic (definite) symmetric or Hermitian linear matrix polynomial (LMP) has drawn a huge amount of attention due to its connection with optimization problems. In this paper we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of \textit{monic Hermitian determinantal representation} as well as \textit{monic symmetric determinantal representation} of size $2$ for a given quadratic polynomial. Further we propose a method to construct such a monic determinantal representtaion (MDR) of size $2$ if it exists. It is known that a quadratic polynomial $f(\x)=\x^{T}A\x+b^{T}\x+1$ has a symmetric MDR of size $n+1$ if $A$ is \textit{negative semidefinite}. We prove that if a quadratic polynomial $f(\x)$ with $A$ which is not negative semidefinite has an MDR of size greater than $2$, then it has an MDR of size $2$ too. We also characterize quadratic polynomials which exhibit diagonal MDRs.
翻译:将多变量多元度表示为单项( 无限) 线性矩阵多元度( LMP) 的决定因素的问题, 因其与优化问题的关系而引起大量关注。 在本文中, 我们为存在 textit{ monic Hermitian 决定性代表制提供了必要和充分的条件, 以及 textit{ monic symity demintical sublication} 规模为 $ $ ( textitit{ negymetic mintical deminal) 的问题。 我们进一步建议了一种方法, 如果存在的话, 以$( MDR) 大小为 $( MDR), 则用$( MDR) 大小为$( MDR ), 而 美元( MDR) 规模则不为负半DR 。