Two main concepts studied in machine learning theory are generalization gap (difference between train and test error) and excess risk (difference between test error and the minimum possible error). While information-theoretic tools have been used extensively to study the generalization gap of learning algorithms, the information-theoretic nature of excess risk has not yet been fully investigated. In this paper, some steps are taken toward this goal. We consider the frequentist problem of minimax excess risk as a zero-sum game between the algorithm designer and the world. Then, we argue that it is desirable to modify this game in a way that the order of play can be swapped. We then prove that, under some regularity conditions, if the world and designer can play randomly the duality gap is zero and the order of play can be changed. In this case, a Bayesian problem surfaces in the dual representation. This makes it possible to utilize recent information-theoretic results on minimum excess risk in Bayesian learning to provide bounds on the minimax excess risk. We demonstrate the applicability of the results by providing information theoretic insight on two important classes of problems: classification when the hypothesis space has finite VC-dimension, and regularized least squares.