We study the problem of fairly allocating either a set of indivisible goods or a set of mixed divisible and indivisible goods (i.e., mixed goods) to agents with additive utilities, taking the best-of-both-worlds perspective of guaranteeing fairness properties both ex ante and ex post. The ex-post fairness notions considered in this paper are relaxations of envy-freeness, specifically, EFX for indivisible-goods allocation, and EFM for mixed-goods allocation. For two agents, we show that there is a polynomial-time randomized algorithm that achieves ex-ante envy-freeness and ex-post EFX / EFM simultaneously. For $n$ agents with bi-valued utilities, we show there exist randomized allocations that are (i) ex-ante proportional and ex-post EFM, and (ii) ex-ante envy-free, ex-post EFX, and ex-post fractionally Pareto optimal.