This paper presents a one-sided immersed boundary (IB) method using kernel functions constructed via a moving least squares (MLS) method. The resulting kernels effectively couple structural degrees of freedom to fluid variables on only one side of the fluid-structure interface. This reduces spurious feedback forcing and internal flows that are typically observed in IB models that use isotropic kernel functions to couple the structure to fluid degrees of freedom on both sides of the interface. The method developed here extends the original MLS methodology introduced by Vanella and Balaras (J Comput Phys, 2009). Prior IB/MLS methods have used isotropic kernel functions that coupled fluid variables on both sides of the boundary to the interfacial degrees of freedom. The original IB/MLS approach converts the cubic spline weights typically employed in MLS reconstruction into an IB kernel function that satisfies particular discrete moment conditions. This paper shows that the same approach can be used to construct one-sided kernel functions (kernel functions are referred to as generating functions in the MLS literature). We also examine the performance of the new approach for a family of kernel functions introduced by Peskin. It is demonstrated that the one-sided MLS construction tends to generate non-monotone interpolation kernels with large over- and undershoots. We present two simple weight shifting strategies to construct generating functions that are positive and monotone, which enhances the stability of the resulting IB methodology. Benchmark cases are used to test the order of accuracy and verify the one-sided IB/MLS simulations in both two and three spatial dimensions. This new IB/MLS method is also used to simulate flow over the Ahmed car model, which highlights the applicability of this methodology for modeling complex engineering flows.
翻译:本文展示了一种单面沉降边界( IB) 方法, 使用通过移动最小平方( MLS) 方法构建的内核函数。 由此产生的内核实际上将结构自由度对准了结构结构接口的一边, 流到流体结构界面的一边。 这减少了在 IB 模型中通常观察到的虚假反馈力和内部流动, 这些模型使用异向内核函数, 将结构与界面两侧的自由度相匹配。 此处开发的方法扩展了 Vanella 和 Balaras 引入的最初 MLS 方法( J Comput Phys, 2009) 。 以前的 IB/ MLS 方法使用了异向性直流, 将边界边界两侧的流与内部自由度混合。 原始 IB/ MLS 方法将典型的立体螺旋重量转换成满足特定离散时的 IB 内核内核功能。 本文显示, 同一方法可以用来构建一面的内核内核功能( 内核函数指生成MLS 的双向内流函数 。 和双向内空的内核流) 。 我们用了双向内流的内核法 的内核法,, 向内流的内核的内核法演示方法将产生了内流的内流的内流的内核的内流,, 的内流的内核的内核的内核法 。