In many practical applications the underlying graph must be as equitable colored as possible. A coloring is called equitable if the number of vertices colored with each color differs by at most one, and the least number of colors for which a graph has such a coloring is called its equitable chromatic number. We introduce a new integer linear programming approach for studying the equitable coloring number of a graph and show how to use it for improving lower bounds for this number. The two stage method is based on finding or upper bounding the maximum cardinality of an equitable color class in a valid equitable coloring and, then, sequentially improving the lower bound for the equitable coloring number. The computational experiments were carried out on DIMACS graphs and other graphs from the literature.
翻译:在许多实际应用中, 底图必须尽可能公平, 颜色必须尽可能公平。 如果每个颜色的脊椎数量与每个颜色的颜色相差最大, 颜色就叫公平, 而图表中含有这种颜色的最小颜色数量被称为其公平的染色体数量。 我们引入一种新的整数线性编程方法, 用于研究图表的公平颜色数, 并展示如何使用它来改进这个数字的下限。 两种方法基于在有效的公平颜色中找到或上下拉一个公平颜色等级的顶端, 然后按顺序改进公平颜色数字的下限。 计算实验是在 DIMACS 图表和文献中的其他图表上进行的 。