Parameter inference for linear and non-Gaussian state space models is challenging because the likelihood function contains an intractable integral over the latent state variables. Exact inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo is computationally expensive, particularly for long time series data. Variational Bayes methods are useful when exact inference is infeasible. These methods approximate the posterior density of the parameters by a simple and tractable distribution found through optimisation. In this paper, we propose a novel sequential variational Bayes approach that makes use of the Whittle likelihood for computationally efficient parameter inference in this class of state space models. Our algorithm, which we call Recursive Variational Gaussian Approximation with the Whittle Likelihood (R-VGA-Whittle), updates the variational parameters by processing data in the frequency domain. At each iteration, R-VGA-Whittle requires the gradient and Hessian of the Whittle log-likelihood, which are available in closed form for a wide class of models. Through several examples using a linear Gaussian state space model and a univariate/bivariate non-Gaussian stochastic volatility model, we show that R-VGA-Whittle provides good approximations to posterior distributions of the parameters and is very computationally efficient when compared to asymptotically exact methods such as Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.