Nonparametric Bayesian models are used routinely as flexible and powerful models of complex data. Many times, a statistician may have additional informative beliefs about data distribution of interest, e.g., its mean or subset components, that is not part of, or even compatible with, the nonparametric prior. An important challenge is then to incorporate this partial prior belief into nonparametric Bayesian models. In this paper, we are motivated by settings where practitioners have additional distributional information about a subset of the coordinates of the observations being modeled. Our approach links this problem to that of conditional density modeling. Our main idea is a novel constrained Bayesian model, based on a perturbation of a parametric distribution with a transformed Gaussian process prior on the perturbation function. We also develop a corresponding posterior sampling method based on data augmentation. We illustrate the efficacy of our proposed constrained nonparametric Bayesian model in a variety of real-world scenarios including modeling environmental and earthquake data.