Length Rate Quotient (LRQ) is the first algorithm of interleaved shaping -- a novel concept proposed to provide per-flow shaping for a flow aggregate without per-flow queuing. This concept has been adopted by Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Deterministic Networking (DetNet). An appealing property of interleaved shaping is that, when an interleaved shaper is appended to a FIFO system, it does not increase the worst-case delay of the system. Based on this "shaping-for-free" property, an approach has been introduced to deliver bounded end-to-end latency. Specifically, at each output link of a node, class-based aggregate scheduling is used together with one interleaved shaper per-input link and per-class, and the interleaved shaper re-shapes every flow to its initial traffic constraint. In this paper, we investigate other properties of interleaved LRQ shapers, particularly as stand-alone elements. In addition, under per-flow setting, we also investigate per-flow LRQ based flow aggregation and derive its properties. The analysis focuses directly on the timing of operations, such as shaping and scheduling, in the network. This timing based method can be found in the Guaranteed Rate (GR) server model and more generally the max-plus branch of network calculus. With the derived properties, we not only show that an improved end-to-end latency bound can be obtained for the current approach, but also demonstrate with two examples that new approaches may be devised. End-to-end delay bounds for the three approaches are derived and compared. As a highlight, the two new approaches do not require different node architectures in allocating (shaping / scheduling) queues, which implies that they can be readily adapted for use in TSN and DetNet. This together with the derived properties of LRQ shed new insights on providing the TSN / DetNet qualities of service.
翻译:长度 Qortentient (LRQ) 是第一个使用断开元件构造的算法 。 基于此“ 拆分无损” 属性, 引入了一种方法, 以提供闭合的端到端的悬浮。 具体地说, 时间感网络( TSN) 和确定式网络( DetNet) 采用了这个概念。 断开元件构造的吸引力在于, 当一个断开元件形状器附加在 FIFFO 系统中时, 它不会增加系统最坏的延迟。 基于此“ 拆分不结” 属性, 提出了一个新概念, 以提供闭合的 端到端的延迟值 。 具体地说, 基于类链的每个输出链的每个输出链链接都同时使用一个断开的元件/ 。 断断开元件元件元件的元件元件再重新组合可以使用所有初始流量限制 。 我们只能用这个模型来查找断开的, 特别是独立式的元件 。 此外, 我们还可以调查当前递增的递增 LRDLSDRQ 。 的计算中, 方向的计算中, 也能够显示一个以直序 。